gold price in saudi arabia

Souvik maity
7 Min Read
Gold rate today


gold price in saudi arabia:-Are you keeping tabs on the gold price in Saudi Arabia? If you’re interested in investing in this precious metal, it’s essential to stay informed about its fluctuating rates. The gold market is notoriously volatile, with prices that can rise or fall rapidly. In this article, we’ll provide you with an overview of the gold price in Saudi Arabia and the factors that influence it.

Gold has always been considered a valuable asset, and its worth has only increased with time. In Saudi Arabia, gold is a cultural symbol and is often given as a gift during special occasions. The country has a thriving gold market, with numerous shops and dealers that cater to buyers. However, the gold price in Saudi Arabia is not fixed and varies depending on several factors.

Gold Price in Saudi Arabia

Qty22K Gold Rate18K Gold Rate24K Gold Rate
10gSAR 2,300.00SAR 1,880.00SAR 2,490.00
8gSAR 1,840.00SAR 1,504.00SAR 1,992.00
4gSAR 920.00SAR 752.00SAR 996.00
2gSAR 460.00SAR 376.00SAR 498.00
1gSAR 230.00SAR 188.00SAR 249.00
Gold Price in Saudi Arabia

The gold price in Saudi Arabia is determined by a variety of global and local factors. Some of these factors include the demand for gold, political instability, global economic conditions, and the strength of the US dollar. Gold prices can also be influenced by the supply and demand dynamics in the local market.

In recent years, the gold price in Saudi Arabia has been on a rollercoaster ride. In 2019, the price of gold hit a record high of SAR 185 per gram, driven by global economic uncertainty and rising tensions between the US and Iran. However, the price of gold began to decline in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic slowdown.

As of May 2023, the gold price in Saudi Arabia is around SAR 162 per gram. However, this price can fluctuate on a daily basis, and investors should keep a close eye on the market to make informed decisions.

Factors that Influence the Gold Price in Saudi Arabia

Several factors can influence the gold price in Saudi Arabia. Here are some of the most significant ones:

Global Economic Conditions

The gold price is often influenced by global economic conditions. When there is uncertainty in the global economy, investors tend to flock to gold as a safe haven asset. This increased demand can drive up the price of gold. Conversely, when the global economy is stable, the demand for gold may decrease, leading to a drop in its price.

US Dollar Strength

The gold price is also closely linked to the strength of the US dollar. When the US dollar is weak, the price of gold tends to rise as investors look for alternative safe haven assets. On the other hand, when the US dollar is strong, the price of gold may decline.

Political Instability

Political instability can also have a significant impact on the gold price. When there is unrest in a country or region, investors may turn to gold as a safe haven asset, driving up its price. Conversely, when there is political stability, the demand for gold may decrease, leading to a drop in its price.

Local Supply and Demand

Local supply and demand dynamics can also influence the gold price in Saudi Arabia. If the local market is experiencing high demand for gold, prices may rise. On the other hand, if there is an oversupply of gold in the local market, prices may fall.

FAQs About Gold Prices in Saudi Arabia

What is the current gold price in Saudi Arabia?

As of May 2023, the gold price in Saudi Arabia is around SAR 162 per gram.

Why does the gold price in Saudi Arabia fluctuate?

The gold price in Saudi Arabia is influenced by various global and local factors, such as global economic conditions, political instability, and local supply and demand dynamics.

Should I invest in gold in Saudi Arabia?

Whether or not you should invest

Can I buy gold in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, there are numerous gold shops and dealers in Saudi Arabia where you can buy gold.

Is gold a good investment in Saudi Arabia?

Gold can be a good investment option in Saudi Arabia, especially during times of economic uncertainty. However, investors should conduct their own research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

How can I stay informed about the gold price in Saudi Arabia?

You can stay informed about the gold price in Saudi Arabia by following financial news websites and social media accounts, as well as by consulting with local gold dealers and brokers.


The gold price in Saudi Arabia is subject to various global and local factors, which can cause it to fluctuate rapidly. Investors should keep a close eye on the market and stay informed about the factors that influence the gold price to make informed investment decisions. While gold can be a good investment option during times of economic uncertainty, investors should always conduct their own research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

So, if you’re planning to invest in gold in Saudi Arabia, it’s important to stay informed about the market conditions and the factors that influence the gold price. Keep a close eye on the global economic conditions, political stability, and the strength of the US dollar to make informed investment decisions.

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